NEW: Click to see the winners of Indian Innovation Icons 2025!

Innovation for India Awards

Innovation for India Awards is MIF’s biennial program that aims to showcase and celebrate currently hidden, potentially game-changing Indian innovations, offering them a getaway to recognition and a symbol of excellence in innovation.


Profiles of Winners 2014


Zydex Industries

Having identified one of India’s key infrastructural challenges of improving the life cycle of roads, Zydex Industries has been instrumental in developing the world’s first Silane nanotechnology-based additive to improve the longevity of roads and pavements, thus propelling India on its path of development


Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited

With rampant power theft commonplace in India and the additional burden faced by power companies of escalating Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) losses Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited took the lead in developing an innovative anti-theft electronic metre. It not only prevents device tampering, but also immunises and defrauds tampered metres. This innovation has added a layer of security, and successfully reduced AT&C – the benefits of which are passed on to the customer.



With over 58% of India’s population dependent on agriculture as their principal source of livelihood, RML’s (formerly Reuters Market Light) innovative SMS-based service provides personalised information to farmers on local produce rates, weather updates, crop advisories, and other tips. This provides them with an edge to ensure a bountiful crop and their economic happiness.


The Nirantar Trust

The Nirantar Trust was honoured for conceptualising Khabar Lahariya—an all women’s collective of journalists, writers, editors, and photographers hailing from marginalised sections of society. This unique newsroom provides thousands of people in media dark areas across 600 villages of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar with a platform to voice their issues and grievances, while providing them with access to news and information in their spoken language.


Association of Democratic Reforms

The path breaking work done by Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) is lauded as one of the most important innovations in India. By disseminating thoroughly-researched background information on politicians and political parties in India, ADR builds public awareness and a level of transparency unheard of in the political landscape.

Global Gamechanger


Indian Space Research Organisation is the national space agency of India, involved in science, engineering, and technology to harvest the benefits of outer space for India and the world. It was awarded the Global Game Changer Award for its stellar contributions in the field of space exploration in recent years to India. 

Explore previous winners

The winners of Indian Innovation Icons 2025 will be announced at the grand finale on March 6, 2025. Stay tuned for updates.